
Number of Grafts: 2,248
Time Between Photos: 1 Year
Type of Surgery: Follicular Unit Excision (F.U.E.)

Like most men, Aly’s hair has always been a part of his identity and personality. He decided to address it and correct it early to enjoy his hair for many years to come. He came to our The Sharma Clinic in Edmonton for his Hair Transplant surgery and was a model patient. We thoroughly enjoyed having Aly at our clinic and the witty conversation helped the 13 hour procedure fly by.

Aly Front Hair Transplant Before Photo
Aly Front Hair Transplant After Photo
Aly Before Photo HAir Transplant Result angled
Aly After Photo HAir Transplant Result angled

6 Months later and Aly’s post-care diligence has paid off. You can already see where his new hairline will be once growth is complete. A big part of the next 12 months will be increased density near the front of the scalp. The appearance of full and natural hair will be almost complete at the one-year mark with additional growth to follow.

Ellipse 1

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