
Number of Grafts: 2,681
Time Between Photos: 8 Months
Type of Surgery: Follicular Unit Excision (F.U.E.)

Cases like these really make the long hours in surgery worth it. Throughout this gentleman’s entire hair transplant process – starting from the initial consultation, things moved so smoothly. He was very clear about what he was hoping to achieve from the procedure and had done ample research. This allowed me to use our small window of time during the consultation to cover the more advanced aspects of a hair transplant surgery. Due to this we were able to come up with a realistic but aggressive approach to his hair restoration.

Markus Left before 1500x2764
Markus Left after 1500x2764
Markus Right before 1500x2764
Markus Right after 1500x2764
Markus Front Before 1500x2764
Markus Front after 1500x2764

This gentleman went with our largest suggested number of grafts for the procedure hoping to only ever require a single surgery and it paid off. Sometimes going the extra mile can make all the difference and this result reflects that path.

Ellipse 1

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