
Number of Grafts: 3,206
Time Between Photos: 7 Months
Type of Surgery: Follicular Unit Excision (F.U.E.)

Here is a fantastic case of strategic placement having a huge impact on overall density. This gentleman had a very large area of hair loss at the crown which was beginning to creep forward into the midzone. He was also noticing some recession along the fronto-temporal angles which are near the temples. He opted to address both with one large procedure rather than go through multiple recovery periods. While I don’t always recommend this, his expectations for the finished result were very grounded.

Randy front before 1500x2764
Randy front after 1500x2764
Randy FrontTop before 1500x2764
Randy FrontTop after 1500x2764
Randy Top before 1500x2764
Randy Top after 1500x2764

Using 1,844 grafts we were able to restore and add density to the forward hairline, giving him a more rounded and youthful look. The crown was addressed with 1,362 grafts spread over a relatively large area – this combined with medication afforded a much fuller appearance.

Ellipse 1

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