Hair Transplants
How Do They Work?
During a hair transplant procedure, hair is harvested from a donor area on the sides and back of your scalp. These donor areas are selected because they are resistant to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is the hormone that causes hair loss. Male pattern baldness is caused by these hormonal changes that shrink the hair follicles in the affected area until they go away completely. Naturally resistant hair follicles are located in the back and sides of the head that can be transplanted to the thinning area where they will permanently continue to grow. We offer the F.U.E. transplant method because it helps to minimize scarring and optimize the natural appearance of the hair line.
Human hair follicles consist of small bundles that contain between one and four hairs. These bundles can be harvested using Follicular Unit Excision (F.U.E.) or Follicular Unit Transplant (F.U.T.).
F.U.E. uses a surgical device that punches a small incision to harvest one graft at a time, repeated thousands of times. The grafts are harvested from a wide donor area and moved individually to the new location. This process doesn’t leave a linear scar, instead there are tiny marks at each puncture point. F.U.E. and F.U.T. growth rates are comparable.
Alternative Solutions for Hair Loss
We get a lot of questions like these:
“What else can I do for hair loss besides Hair Transplants?”
“I don’t want to take Finasteride for hair loss.”
“What can I try besides surgery for my hair loss?”
These are very fair things to ask when you are ready to start tackling your hair loss. Yes, hair transplant surgery shows fantastic results and can completely transform someone’s hairline, but it’s not the only option.
In this video, Dr. Sharma discusses some alternatives to hair loss including Laser Helmets for hair loss, Hair Loss Shampoos, and Topical hair loss medications or hair loss lotions.
Medications for hair loss, may stop, slow down, or even restore the loss of hair
Our philosophy is to deliver natural looking results, provide outstanding service to all our patients, and focus on creating a serene, clam, and professional environment. We strive to accentuate and enhance your natural beauty through carefully tailored, non-invasive treatments for each patient.
Learn about Hair Loss MedicationsFinasteride Microneedling
Avoid Taking Daily Medication & Apply Finasteride Topically
Combining the latest microneedling technology with a topical Finasteride solution, Dr. Sharma is able to help his patients achieve their hair loss reduction and regrowth goals.
Applying this solution directly onto the scalp can allow for a lower concentration of Finasteride into the blood stream – potentially reducing the adverse effects of oral medication.
Learn about Finasteride MicroneedlingBook now
Discuss The Best Treatment Route For You
Contact us for a free virtual hair loss consultation and get started on your transformation today.