What to expect post-surgery
Post-procedure timeline
Day 1
Return to the clinic for a bandage change and graft assessment.
Day 2-7
Our team will monitor your recovery. We supply you with a 24/7 emergency care phone line.
1 Month
First follow up assessment call with our team.
6 Months
Second follow up hair growth appointment at the clinic.
1 Year
Third follow at the clinic with Dr. Sharma.
Transplant recovery timeline
When will you see results?

1 Day Post Procedure
Directly after surgery, the grafts will be extremely sensitive. It takes roughly five days for the follicles to attach to a blood vessel under the skin which supplies them with food, oxygen, and energy. Until this critical phase is complete you will be required to spray the grafts with a custom HypoThermosol® solution. All other medical supplies are provided to you at no extra cost.
The post-care protocol will fragment your sleep leaving you fatigued throughout the first few days of recovery. Being diligent with our post-surgery instructions will help to give you the best possible result.

2 – 7 Days Post Procedure
With the transplanted hair follicles placed in position, you can now see the new hairline. At this point, the scalp needs time to heal. You will see scabbing in two locations on the scalp: on the donor site (where the hair follicles were harvested), and on the placement site. These scabs are small, so they heal quickly.
You might experience local swelling which usually goes away in a few days.
The scalp may have some minor soreness or tenderness. Over-the-counter pain medication can be used if desired. During the first week of recovery, it is important to follow Dr. Sharma’s instructions. For example, the grafts shouldn’t be touched, and you will need to follow a specific showering and hair-washing protocol during the healing process.

1 Month Post Procedure
A few weeks after the transplant surgery, you will see that the transplanted hairs are starting to fall out. Don’t worry! This process is normal. When hair follicles are moved, hair growth pauses for a short time while the follicle adjusts to the new location.
It is a natural part of the growth cycle to have old hair falling out. With time, you will see that new hairs will regrow at the graft site. It takes time for the new hairline to look full and normal.

6 Months Post Procedure
At the 6-month point, the hairs will be growing well and you will see the density filling in. The hair quality will be improved and you will see that hair growth is steady.
Even though you can see significant progress, know that these aren’t the final results of your hair transplant procedure. The hair will continue growing with time.

1 Year Post Procedure
Near full hair density is achieved about a year after the hair transplant procedure. Now, the hair growth is more prominent and you are enjoying an increased rate of growth.
You will continue to see increasing density with the current hairline as well as added density in the appearance of the hair.

18 Months Post Procedure
It can take up to 18 months after a hair transplant procedure for you to enjoy the full benefits of this treatment. You have the freedom to wear your hairstyle of choice, and no one will be able to see that you have had a hair transplant. At this point, the transplanted hairs are well-established and growing normally. The results of a hair transplant are permanent.
Common concerns during recovery
Redness after surgery
Your scalp is expected to be quite red or pink following your hair transplant procedure. The healing process requires inflammation and swelling at both the recipient site and the donor area. Here we answer all your questions regarding scalp redness after a hair transplant.
Hair transplant scars
The techniques used today are effective in minimizing hair transplant scars. With any surgery scarring is unavoidable, however the techniques used today are effective in limiting the depth and visibility of these areas. Here we answer all of your questions regarding scarring and how to minimize or conceal scars.
After Your Hair Transplant
Here at the Sharma Clinic, we encourage each patient to do thorough and detailed research about the procedure before starting their hair restoration journey.
We enjoy being able to share our experiences, photos and videos to give our patients the answers they seek.

Sami’s Hair – 1 Year Later
Sami is a well dressed and fit young man who wanted to have his hairline match his stylish appearance. We made sure to place all 2,000+ grafts naturally along his hairline increasing the appearance of density while also bringing it forward. Instead of creating a straight and uniform line across the front of his head we followed his existing hairstyle which compliments his masculine facial features.
Sami is currently only one-year post hair transplant and has another 6 months of growth to look forward to.
Hear Sami’s StoryPost-procedure aftercare
At Sharma Skin & Hair Surgery we suggest a fairly strict post-care routine that not only helps to reduce downtime – but potentially improves your final result.
After your procedure, we will give you a tutorial on how to properly shower and wash your hair. Essentially you will be very gently rinsing your hair with specialized shampoo. Regular hair washing may continue at roughly the 7-day mark.
Wearing Hats
Roughly 10 days after your hair transplant you will again be able to wear a hat. It is best practice to wear a loose-fitting hat that will not apply too much pressure to the newly relocated hair.
Hats after hair transplant surgeryExercise
Greatly elevating your heart rate often causes excess sweating. This can negatively affect the growth of your transplanted grafts. For this reason, we recommend 2 weeks or 14 days away from the gym and intense exercise.
Pools, public saunas, and jacuzzis host a high amount of bacteria. Until the donor site and transplanted hairs have completely healed it is best to avoid these areas. This takes approximately 30 days.
Swimming after hair transplant surgeryHair Products
Thick gels and fiber can block the pores affecting your follicles’ access to oxygen and moisture. Avoid hair products for 12 days after your transplant.
We highly recommend patients refrain from smoking for 48 hours post-procedure. Cigarettes affect the bodies ability to recover, therefore it is best to reduce or completely cease smoking for 10 days post-procedure.
Sun exposure
Avoid direct, continued, exposure to the sun over long periods of time for the next 4-6 months.
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Contact us for a free virtual hair loss consultation and get started on your transformation today.